Grab a cup of tea
and sit with me awhile.

Rituals, Children Anne Heart Rituals, Children Anne Heart

Family Summer Solstice

Family play for the longest day of Father Sun! This is an interactive game and art project we use to celebrate the solstice as a family. The children transform from a hungry caterpillar to a flourishing butterfly seeking nectar from the flowers in the meadow.

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Children, Food Anne Heart Children, Food Anne Heart

Mint Chocolate Popsicles

These fresh, cooling and sweet popsicles are a family hit and are made with ingredients I feel really good about feeding to my children. My family loves mint chocolate chip ice cream and dairy is not always the best for everyones GI tract. These dairy-free and sugar-free popsicles will hit the sweet spot without taking a toll on your wellness.

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Food Anne Heart Food Anne Heart

Summer Meatballs with Yogurt Sauce

Cool Bija Spice Blend is specifically formulated for summer. It utilizes the cooling and nourishing aspects of seeds and herbs. It gently supports digestion while cleansing and cooling the body down. Cooking with these spices is balancing for everyone needing a soothing retreat or tending toward inflammation.

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Rituals Anne Heart Rituals Anne Heart

Summer: Mead Moon

As the carousel of summer abundance twirls, the Mead Moon is in bloom. The flowers are bursting and the nectar of Mother Earth is gathered by her creatures. The pollinators are busy stocking up.

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Rituals Anne Heart Rituals Anne Heart

Summer: Moon of Making Fat

With the beginning of summer moon, life has fully taken root in the rich soil and the busy work of gathering nourishment has begun for the natural world. The warmth and sweetness of Mother Earth is revealed…

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Rituals Anne Heart Rituals Anne Heart

Summer: Wart Moon

The high summer sun dwindles and the remedies of the plant world are offered up for those who remember the ancient ways of healing. Concentrated constituents rest latent in the humble life of herbs.

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Homesteading Anne Heart Homesteading Anne Heart

Wild Crafting : Safety + Ethics

Getting to know the local plants and learning how to use them for food and medicine can be a great doorway to becoming a steward of the land. Hopefully, the more we learn about the benefits of wild plants the more we will be motive to protect them and the surrounding ecosystem. These plants are integral to a whole ecosystem and the lives of many animals, bugs and birds.

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Food Anne Heart Food Anne Heart

Herbal Flower Sodas

We have 3 varietal Flower Soda blends to try in this wild-fermented home brew recipe. These recipes use what is called a ginger bug. It’s an old traditional way of using wild yeasts that eat sugar, begin to proliferate and bubble making them fizzy like soda. Unlike our store bought sodas, these have lots of health benefits…

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Homesteading Jennifer Morgan Homesteading Jennifer Morgan

Mountain Gardening with Christel & Anyll Markevich

A group of neighbors have been gardening up here for years testing high altitude gardening techniques and researching traditional gardening in other cultures. After much experimentation and hard work, we are so grateful they share the culminating knowledge from years of gardening in the rocky mountains.

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Food Anne Heart Food Anne Heart

Summer Herbs

If there is an herb that is most loved and valued across all of time and geography, it might be rose. Roses have been valued for their beauty, fragrance, and health benefits for hundreds of years.

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Lifestyle Anne Heart Lifestyle Anne Heart

Skin Care for Summer

Get out and enjoy the sun, the landscape and majesty of Colorado's beautiful mountain towns with your friends and family. Do so safely by protecting your skin and eating well. We have to be careful year-round and Summer can get us into the habit of adopting skin and diet rituals for optimum health.

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Arts Anne Heart Arts Anne Heart

Wood + Soda Firing

Pottery, for me, is really more about getting to know the process. I use a wood and soda firing technique, which is a process that always comes out different than I think.

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Yoga Anne Heart Yoga Anne Heart

Yoga for Summer :: Mudra

Summer is Pitta Time… where the mental, emotional and physical flames (read: inflammation) are fanned by the strong solar energy. The ambitious and visionary constitution of Pitta is quick to express anger, judgement and conflict. In the body, Pitta leads to inflammation, rashes, and indigestion.

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Lifestyle Anne Heart Lifestyle Anne Heart

Summer Wellness

Staying vital in the summer is maintained by staying hydrated, cool and rested. The high solar energy can quickly drain our ojas (vitality) and deplete prana (life-force).

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Food Anne Heart Food Anne Heart

Healthy Gut Tea

Drinking plantain in tea form can be helpful for inflammation in the respiratory tract, digestive tract, reproductive tract, and urinary tract. Read more about the array of benefits here.

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