Grab a cup of tea
and sit with me awhile.
Kapha Balancing
The Kapha time is when the heavy, cloudy and earthy tendencies dominate our bodies and minds. It is the beginning years of life, the spring time of the year and the morning time from 6-10am.
Yoga for Summer :: Mudra
Summer is Pitta Time… where the mental, emotional and physical flames (read: inflammation) are fanned by the strong solar energy. The ambitious and visionary constitution of Pitta is quick to express anger, judgement and conflict. In the body, Pitta leads to inflammation, rashes, and indigestion.
Spring Mindfulness
Writings on mindfulness to prepare you for spring - Perennial Party & Foremother Meditations by Rita Stucky, and Up-Cycle Ceremonials by Leah DeCapio.