Wildflower Salad Dressings
The mountains here in Colorado bloom with wild, medical plants every summer. One of my favorite ways to incorporate their medicine into our diet, is to make wildflower salad dressings. Most summer lunches start with harvesting greens from our garden, a drizzle wildflower dressing and a crunchy bite into a piece of rustic, homemade sourdough. The flavors of these wildflowers are aromatic, punchy and full of health benefits.
To make each of the dressings below, combine all the ingredients and pulse in a blender a few times before storing in a glass bottle. Set the bottle on the counter to let the flowers infuse the liquid for a few days… then enjoy and refrigerate.
Wild Onion
Wild onions are an excellent heart tonic, carminative (relieves gas and bloating) and are anti-inflammatory. They are high in folic acid and 70 grams fulfills the daily recommendation of vitamin K.
PRECAUTION!!! If you are wild crafting for wild onions be aware of death camas, a plant that looks very similar to wild onions but is poisonous. Check a guide book to identify the difference. Wild onion always smells like onion but death camas will not. If in doubt, skip harvesting until you are certain what you are about to harvest is onion.
Wild Onion Blossom Dressing
2 tbsp. Wild Onion Blossoms (or Chive Blossoms)
1 1/2 c. Olive Oil
1/4. White Wine Vinegar
1 tbsp. Honey
Juice of 1 Lemon
Pinch of Salt and Pepper
Yarrow improves circulation and helps to move stagnant heat out of the body. It is an anti-inflammatory that particularly relieves inflammation in the digestive tract. The flowers are aromatic and warming.
PRECAUTION!!! The flowers of yarrow may look similar to hemlock which is poisonous. Check a guide book to identify the difference. These plants have very different leaves and flower shapes but at first glance may be confused. If in doubt, skip harvesting until you are certain what you are about to harvest is onion.
Yarrow Blossom Dressing
1 tbsp. Yarrow Blossoms
1 1/2 c. Olive Oil
1/4. Balsamic Vinegar
1 tbsp. Honey
1 tsp. Mustard
Pinch of Salt and Pepper
Bee Balm
Bee Balm is a warming and stimulating which boosts digestion and relieves fever. It is an antimicrobial that is soothing to the digestive tract and can relieve gas, bloating and cramps. It’s an excellent herb to relieve symptoms from a summer cold or flu. The flavor is similar to oregano and can be spicy, yum!
Bee Balm Dressing
2 tbsp. Bee Balm Flowers
1 1/2 c. Olive Oil
1/4. White Wine Vinegar
2 tbsp. of Tahini
1 tbsp. Honey
Juice of 1 Lemon
Pinch of Salt and Pepper