Kapha Balancing

Spring 2021


The Kapha time is when the heavy, cloudy and earthy tendencies dominate our bodies and minds. It is the beginning years of life, the spring time of the year and the morning time from 6-10am.

This spring, we offer a few simple ways to tailor your yoga practice to harness the subtle and potent effects of ayurveda.

Wake up and practice during the early morning (vata time of 2-6am) before or as the sun rises. There will probably be resistance and effort to get moving this early, but set your mind to it and I believe you won’t regret it. The earthly plane is still tucked in bed and you are awakening to more subtle qualities at this time, here the veil between the earth and sprit world is thin. Practicing at this time will inspire, lighten and perhaps enlighten you in ways not available durning the high sun, pedestrian working hours. Use this time to clarify your both your physical body and your subtle mind with conscious movement.

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Back Bend.gif

The wet, cool and heavy kapha qualities bring an excess of mucous, congestion and water retention. In ayurveda we don’t always recommend a vigorous “work out” as a yoga practice, but spring is the time to stimulate and invigorate through your asana. Practicing vinyasa, dynamic moving standing poses and warriors is indicated. Working up until you sweat to aid in cleansing and expelling excess water will help balance kapha. Pay extra attention to moving and opening your chest, lungs and upper back. Practice back bending and chest openers such as ustrasana (camel pose), dhanurasana (bow pose) and urdhva dhanurasana (wheel pose). Allow the asana and breath to awaken the rib and chest areas; touch and stretch your lungs through conscious deep chest breathing.

As the sun fully rises and you cross over into your day, we hope you move with a balanced kapha; a state of grounded clarity and effortlessness.

Words: Anne Heart

Photos: Jennifer Morgan Photography


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