Bees and Bee House Kit


YOU Can Help Save Bees!

Bees are responsible for about 80% of all pollination, 70% of food pollination is performed by bees. They are dying at a rapid rate. This is due to pesticides, loss of habitat, climate changes, and more human interferences. We are a huge part of the problem, but we can take action to be a part of saving them too. 

There are simple ways you can help in your own home: 

Plant/seed native species of plants/flowers.

I have succumbed to the lure of gorgeous non-native flowers at the garden store. Rarely do those plants grow for me in this mountain environment. It seems that nature was attempting self-preservation  in my own garden! Native plants are those that grow naturally in the environment in which they evolved. They have co-evolved with the birds, insects, and earth that they grow in. When this balance is preserved, pests are barely a problem, and the plants need little maintenance once established. This is actually easier on gardener and environment! The wildflowers native to this region and beautiful. I love watching the different colors bloom at different times of the year and the magic of the combinations and what those attract. I made “seed paper” with seeds that do just this with my 6-year-old son, available in our market! 

Provide homes and natural habitats for bees and other pollinators.

We have a few bee houses in our garden. Many friends have expressed concern about having bees so close to our home. I have a young child and animals, and we are not bothered by the bees. They seem very content to go about their jobs and pay us little attention, as long as we do the same! You can purchase these ready-made or make some on your own. It is also a good idea to not cut back your garden completely  at the end of the growing season to provide homes for hibernation in the stalks

Provide drinking water.

We have a beautiful rock that has an indentation in the top of it that collects rainwater, and the bees and birds love drinking and bathing in it. I also dug a small pond and put a pump to circulate the water. The early mornings are so sweet with the bathing birds now. I also love the gentle sound of the water flowing. Again, we are not bothered by the bees that come to drink. I have found a real gardening bonus with the pond too: The chipmunks don’t seem to be eating as many as my flowers! I had a suspicion that they were chomping the blooms more for the moisture than the flowers since the flower heads are often left behind. So far, the pond appears to be a great contribution for every creature! 

Don’t use pesticides on your garden or lawn.

Again, native species help keep the pests in balance. When we have pests on our kale, a solution of castile soap diluted in water seems to keep them at bay. I also sprinkle Diatomaceous Earth (DE) on the plants if we’re having a bad time with aphids. Ladybugs are a huge help too! Those can be purchased as well at gardening stores. 

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Come get a BEE HOUSE KIT!

This sweet kit will be available for pick-up at our next market: June 19, 2021, 7425 Magnolia Dr, Nederland, CO. We can also ship one to you.

It contains:

-Re-purposed wood “house” block for you to drill holes into.

-Re-purposed wooden roof for your house.

You can put these on a fence, wall, or mount it on a post. We’ve drilled a hole for hanging and to start your pollinator homes!


We’ve made a BEEautiful

Bee Gift Collection

available in our Market.

It includes:

-Bee Wrap (reusable food wrap)

-Set of handprinted and carved bee gift tags

-Wildflower seed paper to attract pollinators

-Beeswax candle

-Ceramic dish


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