
Yoga is life.

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Classes & Retreats


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Morning Retreats

  • Summer Restorative Retreat

    July 12th 9am-12:30pm

    A morning to recharge and reset the adrenals and nervous system through yoga, meditation, herbs and food.

  • Autumn Digestive Retreat

    October 18th 9am-12:30pm

    This retreat will focus on boosting digestion and tonifying organs for autumn through yoga, meditation, herbs and food.

  • Winter Immunity Retreat

    January. 12th, 9am - 12:30pm

    A day to fortify your immunity and promote ojas through yoga, meditation, herbs and food.

  • Spring Cleanse Retreat

    April 5th 9 am-12:30 pm

    A morning of supporting and cleansing the organs and preparing for spring through yoga, meditation, herbs and food.

Seasonal Class Series

  • Summer Yoga Series

    The season to recreate and grow. This series will leave you feeling soothed and open-hearted

  • Autumn Yoga Series

    The season to nourish and let go. This series will leave you feeling grounded and grateful.

  • Winter Yoga Series

    The season for deep listening. This series will leave you feeling connected and clear.

  • Late-Winter Yoga Series

    The season to refine and trust. This series will leave you feeling attuned and vibrant.

  • Spring Yoga Series

    The season to cleanse and inspire. This series will leave you feeling clear and visionary.

Sun Festival Ritual Classes

  • Spring Equinox

    Special class for attuning mind, body and spirit to balance and the coming of spring

  • Summer Solstice

    Special class for harmonizing our minds, bodies with spirits with the peak day of the Sun.

  • Autumn Equinox

    A special class for honing our balance as we approach winter.

  • Winter Solstice

    Special class for kindling spirit in the darkest time of the year.